Friday, March 21, 2008

Where is Nadia?

So I was watching the news about Nadia Kajouji. She is the Ottawa girl who has been missing since mar. 9, 2008. It is disturbing that a person can so easily disappear at a busy campus pretty much without a trace. She left her room without her purse, wallet, and money, and said she was going to skate.

I am just wondering did she go skating? Did anyone see her? And why did it take three days for her to be reported missing? What was the reason why she was upset when she left? It could be relevant? Maybe not, but there are a lot of details that are not being disclosed for whatever reason.

I really hope they find her and she is okay. It is positive thinking, but I would rather keep that outcome in mind as opposed to any other horrifying result. Let keep our fingers crossed and pray that that's the case.

Stay Tuned.

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